Sunday, April 26, 2009

SAVE THE DATE - Teacher's Night Out!

Teacher's Night Out will take place on September 23, 2009 in Hardin Hall, East Campus, 33rd & Holdrege Streets! This is a great chance for teachers to find out about opportunities for learning beyond the classroom walls in the Lincoln area! There will be booths from a multitude of different informal educators, as well as free food! The quilt Museum will be open and free to participants! Invitations will go out at the start of next semester, but please mark this date in your calendar now!

We look forward to seeing you at Teacher's Night Out!

Informal Education - what is it and why do we need it?

A true definition of Informal Education is difficult to create. Informal education can exist on many levels and in many different situations. We do know that informal education is a type of learning in which the student is allowed to explore, wonder, question, and create their own conclusions. Students are allowed to make choices to direct their learning and often allowed to go at their own pace. Unlike formal education, which occurs within a classroom, informal education often takes place in nature, museums, or at home. Informal education is vital to creating citizens who have critical thinking skills, effective decision making experiences, questioning and analyzing abilities, and a sense of personal and civic responsibility. Through the use of informal education, students are given the freedom to develop these skills leading to creative, well-educated citizens.